
Agricultural school in Manacara, Madagascar

Rice harvest in Madagascar
Rice harvest in Madagascar

One of the reasons why our African brothers and sisters are constantly faced with the spectre of hunger is the lack of knowledge about how to cultivate the land efficiently.

Fortunately, in the last decades, with the help of many humanitarian organisations, a campaign of agricultural education of the natives has started , so that through farming they can provide food for their family and their region.

The Orthodox Mission has been involved in this effort for years. In some dioceses model farms are operating, where the inhabitants of these areas can work and be taught the methods of organised agriculture.

This year, in the city of Manacara, Madagascar, the construction of an agricultural school has begun, where residents will learn free of charge about modern farming techniques. In this way, they will be able to improve the efficiency of agricultural production in their area, which will have a significant impact on their daily lives.

The Brotherhood of the Orthodox Foreign Mission, recognizing the relief that the Agricultural School will bring to the wider area of Manakara, undertook its reconstruction in its entirety and has so far paid 55,000 euros for this project, coming from a personal donation from an anonymous donor. We hope to find you in solidarity with this effort, which will ensure that our Malagasy brothers and sisters will have sufficient and quality food in the future.
