St Chrysostom calls us to a mission
“Do not underestimate the work of converting a few people, because you are not able to save the whole world – and do not let yourself be alienated from the pursuit of small deeds, because you are carried away by great ones. And if you fail to convert a hundred, take care of the ten you can – and if ten still exceeds your powers, do not despise five – and if you still cannot convert five, let it be one – and in the end – end and one fail to convert, lest despair seize you and you cease to give. Do you not see that trade is also done in silver when gold is scarce? If we do not show contempt for the small, the time will come to take up the great; but if we do not condescend to occupy ourselves with the small, we shall not easily occupy ourselves with the great either” ( PG 61, 30). And: “The Scripture says that ‘many comas of the Samaritans were proclaimed’ (Prax. 8:25). Notice how they managed to get through the streets – and with what results! Such tours we should be doing. But why am I talking about tours? Many own villages and congregations where missionary work needs to be done, and they show indifference and do not say a word. But in order to make a bath in their village and to increase the credits and to form squares and to erect buildings, they take care of everything – to cultivate souls, nothing. And if you see thorns planted in a field ready for sowing, you uproot them or burn them, you make them disappear, in order to free the soil from the destruction they will cause it – but if you see the very seed-beds themselves full of thorns and do not take care to clear them, tell me, are you not afraid and do you not tremble at him who will come to ask you for the reason of this attitude of yours?
Shouldn’t every believer become a church planter? Shouldn’t everyone take it upon themselves to hire a teacher? Shouldn’t he, more than anyone else, be concerned about how to make everyone an undivided Christian? Tell me, please, how will the farmer become a Christian when he sees you so indifferent even to your own salvation? Are you not able to perform miracles and with them convince? Use the possibilities you have – convince by charity, sympathy, companionship, companionship, care and all the like” ( PG 60, 146-147).
From the magazine “Always the Nations”