Some souls in Malawi long to have their own church

Since the land was purchased, every day they go there and say together the Symbol of our Faith, the Trisagion, the Holy Mass and other Orthodox prayers they know, and they fervently ask God to give them a Church there.

With trust, hope and faith we leave everything to God! He knows how to speak to hearts truly! We, as laborers in His work, merely put in some effort, as much as He is, doing chores. And as once some well-meaning men outside Lazarus’ tomb waved the Stone at the Lord’s command, so now we act as well-meaning men who listen to the voice of our conscience, and as a command sounds to relieve our brethren of the burdens that crush him! And what are these burdens? To feed them, to give them water? To clothe them? To educate them? Inspire them to be what they truly are: images of God! That God who was incarnated, sacrificed and resurrected for each and every one of us! Sympathizing, some of you with us and desiring to share the heavy burdens of our brothers and sisters, we just want to let you know… Some souls in the Diradi area are longing to have their own church! The believers in this area, which is close to the capital city, have been positively impacted. They are fervent and have a lot of love for the Church. Two months ago, the mission bought a beautiful central plot of land in their area and it is touching to see how these people have responded. Since the land was purchased, every day they go there and say the Symbol of our Faith, the Trisagion, the Holy Mass and other Orthodox prayers they know, and they fervently ask God to give them a Church there. For the past two years they have been forced to go to a very distant Church for their liturgical needs, which makes it very difficult for everyone. Let us pray that the good Lord will find them a donor so that we can build this Church and also that He will raise their good catechist to an elder, if it is His will, so that he can continue, in addition to the ministry of teaching, to exercise the ministry of Worship: to administer the Blessed Sacrament, to give Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of our Christ. We do not grow weary, brothers, nor are we ashamed to ask, because we do it for the glory of God and not for personal interest. And you, too, please do not be heavy-handed in our requests. Our main request is not that you send us money, but that you pray for our requests. The Church has never ceased to pray for her donors and especially for the builders of Orthodox Churches and continues to do so throughout the ages!

π. Hermolaus Iatrou

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