Church of Saints Paul and Martha Hiligeo Nias Indonesia
When one learns about the state of Orthodoxy in Indonesia, one exclaims before the miracle that our faith has spread in this vast country and in so many regions. Our Brotherhood has been supporting the Mission in Indonesia for years and has frequent communication with the Archpriest Commissioner Fr. Chrysostom Manalu. Fr. Chrysostom has recently extended his missionary efforts to the island of Nias, whose inhabitants suffer from frequent and devastating earthquakes that keep them in poverty. When by God’s grace some nuclei of believers were established there, the need for a church arose. So it was decided to build the church in the village of Nias, on the outskirts of which most of the believers live. To meet this need, our Almighty God enlightened an anonymous donor from Thessaloniki, who donated the sum of 55,000 euros for this project. The project was completed in August 2011 and the Church was consecrated in October of the same year.