Straw huts-schools in the mirror of our consciousness

Humbly opening the window of thought, the aura of reason passing through the clarity of the spirit. In today’s weak society the selfish purpose is to enthrone nihilistic matter as the highest ideal. Captive and blinded to this trivialization, we have no opportunity, in the steps of life, to see the sun of our heart reflected in the smile of a child in multicultural peoples. In Africa, for example, there are thatched huts-schools. The cost of building a school is about 60 thousand euros with full equipment. African children have nothing in the way of their feeble lives. Their tears united form a river to drown our consciences. We live in absurd times and the worn cloak of our existence covers the hour hand of time. But there is still rising hope of socially sensitive people, with the light of a spiritual sun in their hearts, following the path of compassion, to the glory of God.

The Brotherhood
