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Missionary news from New Zealand

In New Zealand, efforts are intensifying to finish the monastery’s Church of the Immaculate Archangels with the adjacent chapel of St. Basil, in order to inaugurate the Holy Baptistery on April 30 and on the first of May the inauguration with the first Divine Liturgy. “Those who have been baptized into Christ, have received Christ”. God bless the torrential rain that began at the end of the Holy Sacrament of the Baptism of Mrs. Helen of New Zealand and her children Michael and Basil. Justifiable is the joy of her husband Mr. Jeremiah who from now on will wait for when the blessed day of his ordination as Deacon will come. The first of May on which, after the Dedication and the first Divine Liturgy, the Sacrament of their Marriage took place, coincided to be the day of his name day. The Orthodox Serbian Mr. Dean was pleased to attend the multi-faith liturgy held around the altar, the cost of which he very kindly undertook with his physician wife Mr. Dara. Dedication of the Monastery and May Day. Sweet and calm weather. All together, clergy and laity alike chanted “Christ is Risen” in Greek, Serbian and English and shared in common the joy of fellowship and the exultation of the celebration by all the Orthodox, whose common faith set aside all racial and linguistic differences. “What shall we render unto the Lord for all things?” Thanksgiving and honor and glory for all His blessings and gifts.

