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The Mission bases in Congo (Brazzaville)

The discipleship of the Gentiles, that is, the spreading of the Gospel of the Lord and baptism in the name of the Virgin Mary and the Triune Trinity, is the basic task of all of us according to the last words of the Lord (Matt.28.19); this is how the Church of God, our Orthodox Church throughout the world is built. Possessed by these thoughts, I felt elated a few months ago when I heard the leaders of your Fraternity urging me to continue a missionary opening in North Congo which we had abandoned due to financial weakness. I personally find it “easy” to plan and build churches, despite the adversities of all kinds that always present themselves in African countries. Probably you also find it easier to find donors for the construction of temples. But “difficult” is the work you have supported with your financial and moral support: the discourse of forming the souls of our coloured brothers and sisters into temples of the Most High. For the last two years, from time to time, the Congolese deacon Sergius has been going to Impfondo (the administrative centre of the northern province of Congo) visiting those who have called him. Last year, however, we abandoned the effort due to lack of funds. The city is only connected by air (over an hour flight) to Brazzaville, and it costs quite a bit. If you try by pirogues or barges from the river, it takes about two weeks with difficult conditions. Impfondo is built on the bank of the Ubangui River, which is a navigable tributary of the Congo. In front of the town it is more than two kilometres wide and forms the border between the two countries called Congo. Impfondo has about 20 thousand inhabitants, a small but nice airport, four paved roads, two taxis, two hospitals and many refugees who have come from the other Congo because of the guerrilla warfare in recent years. In the vast rainforests that stretch for thousands of kilometres all around live the Pygmies, the short forest dwellers. A group of them have built their village on the edge of the city, where the forest begins, which provides them with hunting, to live. So, from the middle of February, with the help of the Brotherhood of Foreign Missions , we rented a central house and began our excursions more systematically, with Deacon Sergio as our leader. The two priests of Brazzaville followed in succession, accompanied by a catechist or reader. After Easter, the first baptisms took place, while the priest celebrated the Mass and services in the “living room” of the house. On July 16, the Lord called me to visit Impfondo with Deacon Sergius, to hold meetings with the faithful, catechisms and services, to baptize twelve of them in the river and to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. We also had the opportunity to meet the regional governor and the chairman of the county council (extremely kind and hospitable) who promised to facilitate the purchase of a large state-owned plot of land in the centre of the town. God willing, this site will soon be acquired so that we can establish permanent facilities.

As I was told by those in charge, and as I found out myself, apart from the Catholics and Evangelicals, who have old and large missions, the city has been overrun by some 200 sects and religious congregations of all kinds housed in makeshift structures. But the senior state officials have studied in France and especially in the countries of Eastern Europe and so have come to know and respect the Orthodox Church. Leaving Impfondo, with excellent impressions and the grace and joy of the Holy Spirit imprinted on the faces of the converts and in the hearts of all of us, we took with us three young people to participate in the seminar of the officers of the Orthodox youth from all over the Congo, which took place in Dolizi at the end of July, with the help of God and the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Ignatius of Central Africa. To your council and to your colleagues warm thanks are due.

Monk Theologian
