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Thank you from Tanzania

Dear Mr. President, Christ is risen!

I am glad to communicate with you again, because I feel the prayer and the interest of the Brotherhood towards the missionary work in Tanzania.

I would like to thank the Brotherhood for the new donations of two anonymous ladies for the construction of the Churches of St. Nektarios and St. Anthony, as well as for the contribution of six anonymous brothers of the amount of 10,000 Euros for the drilling of four wells and the reconstruction of a house for a large family. I am pleased to inform you that the drilling of the four wells has been completed and more than 12,000 of our indigenous brothers and sisters are praising God every day and have access to drinking water.

Work on the temples is also progressing and I want to believe that by the end of summer 2010 both temples will be ready, so that God can be glorified in an area where until five years ago the Orthodox Church was little known, while today there are tens of thousands of Orthodox (3,100 new converts in the first two months of 2010).

In conclusion, I would like to wish you that our gift-giving Lord Jesus Christ will return His mercies richly, that He will give you every blessing, seeing that other fellow human beings understand that “Christ is the light of the world”.

With heartfelt wishes

+Demetrios of Irinople

