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Establishment in Burundi

Dear Mr. President, Good evening from the heart of the African land, from the long-suffering and difficult Burundi where the scars of the civil war are still fresh. Dear Mr. President, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the 15,000€ that the Brotherhood gave during our meeting at the Brotherhood’s offices in Thessaloniki, 10,000€ for the purchase of land and 5,000€ for the ongoing projects. The money for the purchase of land for the reconstruction of the bishopric is being held until a suitable one is found because land here is rare and very expensive. Now I want to ask for your help in buying a car, second-hand, to facilitate my travel because until now I have been using taxis and I am finding it difficult, apart from the fact that it is very expensive to travel by these means here. I found a used car for 10.000 EURO. If you can help me to buy it. We also managed to secure a 3 acre plot of land in the Kinama area to build a Church and Schools, it is in a central location and the Church will dominate from all sides declaring the presence of the Orthodox Mission in the area. I am sending you photos of the plot of land.

I am making a great effort to organise the Burundi centre around which there are thousands of unhappy people suffering from hunger because everything here is very expensive and from disease because there are no hospitals or organised clinics in the country. Your help is important, not only material but also moral. I want to thank you once again for your moral support and ask you to convey to the Board of Directors and the members of the Fraternity my warmest thanks for their support of the missionary work in Burundi, Rwanda and Eastern Congo.

With warm thanks

+ Burundi & Burundi Savas Ruadas
