Thank you from Fiji
In the capital of the glorious land of our Macedonia, the holy city of Thessaloniki, from where Alexander the Great began his civilizing work in Asia and the holy self-brother Apostles Cyril and Methodius began their missionary and educational work in the countries of the Slavic-speaking peoples of Europe, an Orthodox native from the islands of the South East Pacific Ocean Fiji, Hierodeacon Bartholomew Senibulu, received the second degree of the priesthood during the Divine Liturgy celebrated in the Holy Metropolitan Church of St. Gregory Palamas, with the permission and blessing of His All-Highest Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, Mr. Anthimos, the writer Metropolitan of New Zealand. All Orthodox Greeks are distinguished for their love of foreign missions and in many cities of our country there are Missionary Centres and Associations. The Brotherhood of Foreign Mission in Thessaloniki is the first of its kind even in our days and has so far supported morally and financially, and always with the blessings of the local Church, namely the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, the missionary efforts that have been and are being made in Africa and Asia, and more recently in Central America and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. With the moral and financial help of this missionary Brotherhood, the foreign mission to Fiji began a year ago and it was very natural and just that their members and associates and the faithful people of the city of St. Demetrios in general should be the first to experience the joy of the ordination of the first Fijian priest in their country. Thus they saw with their own eyes something of all that takes place in the distant countries of the mission and can only be seen in the photographs of the magazines. Fijian Elder Bartholomew Senibulu and his elder Lydia saw the greatness of Greece and Thessaloniki up close, and especially the greatness of the Greek Orthodox soul that knows how to love and offer in the name of the Lord Jesus, and thus they themselves will become to their fellow countrymen the preachers of what they have seen and heard about the true Orthodox faith in Greece, which they accept as their second home and spiritual mother. This is the glory of the Church: the Mission to the Nations! And this is the glory of Greece: the Church and her faithful Orthodox people! Warm thanks and expressions of respect and love to His All-Highest Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, Mr. Anthimos, who always has the doors of the Metropolis and his heart open to every worker for the glory of the Church and the salvation of precious and immortal souls. Expression of gratitude, honor and love to the Council and the members of the “Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Mission” and to the Council and the members of the Missionary Brotherhood “Love of Christ” as well as to all the faithful and noble people of Thessaloniki and Macedonia for all that they have offered and are offering in the vineyard of Christ with so much dedication, effort and sacrifice for the benefit of our fellow human beings near and far in need of support.
+ New Zealand Amphilochius