Purchase of land for the construction of a church

Mr. President and members of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood, hello.

Land for church

Today I am writing to you about another excellent event. A plot of land was found very close to the city centre and it is right on the main asphalt road. It is a 15 minute walk from the city center, and only 3 minutes by car, and there are many natives living around. It will make a good parish. Can you imagine our joy… So we didn’t waste any time. We found the owner, hired a lawyer, and just the day before yesterday we signed the contracts. We bought it at a price of 8,000€ and we are asking you very much, if possible, to cover the purchase of the land, the fencing and the building of the church there. If only a small house for the priest. That is, as I mentioned above, the total cost in detail is as follows: 8,000€ for the purchase of the land, 9,000€ for fencing it, 25,000€ for the priest’s house, and 100,000€ for building the church (including the necessary interior equipment). The church will be big and beautiful, because as I said it is in a very central place and should be a jewel of Orthodoxy. We estimate it at 250 sq.m. We are therefore anxiously awaiting your reply to all that I am writing to you. I greet you and embrace you with love.

From the Orthodox Mission of Malawi

+ Fr. Hermolaus Iatrou
Notes: The needs and responsibilities of the missionary echelons are numerous and are constantly increasing as the Mission opens up. We receive many requests daily which we cannot meet all of them. The Board of the Brotherhood selects those which in the opinion of the members it considers to be of the highest priority, without underestimating the others, and always within the financial possibilities of the Brotherhood. From the many requests of Fr. Hermolaos, we chose to fund the project for the construction of the new Church on a central plot of land. We have already sent the sum of 15,000€ for the purchase of the land and for the fencing of the plot. We are waiting for plans and budget for the Church with the prayer and hope that some donors will be enlightened by the Holy Spirit to undertake the construction of the Church.

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60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries