Diocese of Arusha

Diocese of Arusha

The monastery of Archangel Michael in Kidamali

My dear brothers, Once again I am contacting you to make you part of our activities in our Holy Diocese, where the Church has made us to minister. With God’s grace and after many efforts we are ready to operate our monastery in the Missionary Center of Kidamali, which is dedicated to Archangel Michael and

Diocese of Arusha


Dear Mission Friends and Supporters It is with much emotion and infinite respect for your philanthropic hearts that I am writing these lines in order to update you about the course of missionary activity in the Holy Diocese of Arusha and Central Tanzania. By the Grace of God, we are trying to continue the construction

Diocese of Arusha

Appeal for help in Tanzania

My dear brothers, Once again I am contacting you to make you part of the missionary activities and works that with your love are being carried out in the Holy Diocese of Arusha and Central Tanzania. I am pleased to announce that the construction of the Church of Our Lady in the city of Arusha

Diocese of Arusha

Saint Parthenios in Tanzanian Highlands

In one of our previous communications, I told you about a remote village in the Iringa region, which is perched on a 2,000-meter-high mountain, Mkombe. The panoramic view is absolutely wonderful, with the imposing mountain overlooking the green Rift Valley, which is home to Ruaha Safari, where the waters of the great namesake river linger.

Diocese of Arusha

In the Ηighlands of Central Tanzania

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, The constant miracle we experience at our every step in Africa is the strong presence of God, of the Virgin Mary and of the Saints. When things seem difficult and irrevocable, God’s providence paves the way for solutions that did not exist before. God alone shows “paths” for

Diocese of Arusha

Let’s plant in Arusha

My dear brothers, It is with great emotion and feelings of great gratitude that I hasten to communicate with you once again. With you who have been our true supporters from the very first moment of our move to Central Tanzania. With the grace of God and the care and the ardent blessings of His

Diocese of Arusha

Priority to education

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Christ is risen! It is with great joy and love that I am communicating with you, to express once again the gratitude of my heart to you for the fact that, in the great sea called the Mission of the Gentiles, you are always beside us in peace and

Diocese of Arusha

Saving lives in Tanzania

And on top of everything, we had the outbreak of the pandemic… Struggling with scorching heat, which at that moment was changing into a strong storm, she unloaded under the tufted tree the sack of coal that she was carrying on her head, and found the chance to let her imagination fly to her earthen

Diocese of Arusha

Land for the Mission

My dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. We are writing to you from the Dodoma Orthodox Mission in Tanzania. With the blessing of His Grace Agathonikos of Arusha and Central Tanzania a short time ago, we were appointed to Dodoma city, which is the capital of the state, in order to establish a

Diocese of Arusha

The Mission Center of Arusha

My Dear Brothers in Christ, By the grace of God and with your own constant support, the work of our Church in Central Tanzania is progressing, despite the difficulties that afflict modern society due to the corona virus pandemic. It is a fact that in the wider region of Central Tanzania, the pace of life

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries