Christ is Risen!
Dear Members of the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity, Rejoice in the Lord always. In the Resurrection joy of Pentecost, we meet once more through letter communication to thank all the members of this Fraternity and each member individually for all the benefits you have offered to the faithful of our Missionary Diocese. It is with particular joy in this letter that WE THANK YOU for the Dalike village in Eastern Uganda, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW CHURCH dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary & the Righteous Godfathers Joachim & Anne, for meeting all the spiritual and pastoral needs of the residents of this area.
We are grateful for the love and financial support offered to us by one of our sisters in Christ, a Fraternity member from Athens, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, but whose name is written in the books of God in letters of solid gold.
Bear in mind that all of you who offer in any way for the needs of the holy churches of our province, such as founders, dedicators, renovators, benefactors, laborers, will always be remembered in every Divine Liturgy till the end of time.

A second and crucial issue, which has already been mentioned in a previous letter and which is a vital work for our small missionary Diocese, is none other than the continuation of the EFFORT OF ESTABLISHING THE MISSION CENTER at our headquarters in the city of Jinja. It will be a versatile building, which, in addition to the Bishop’s abode, will also house the diocesan offices from where the general pastoral and spiritual work will be promoted. It will also be the place from where the missionary and medical teams will be directed to every corner of our Diocese in order to help and rest our needy and underprivileged brothers who are in dire need of help and support. In this space, there will be the possibility of hosting invited brothers who will help us in the general missionary work, but we will also be able to host orphaned children so that we can protect them better. Last but not least, we hope the Mission Center of our Diocese will also serve another important purpose: that of organizing conferences (educational, catechetical, medical…) in order to promote the work of the local Church as well as the work of the ancient Missionary Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa.
For this reason, we make an earnest appeal to your loving heart to help us so that we can carry out this ambitious project whose sole goal will be the promotion of the Resurrection and the saving message of Jesus Christ and its establishment in the hearts of all people who strive to be free from the bonds of idolatry, ignorance and obscurantism so that they may breathe the fresh air of freedom and drink living water from the gurgling spring of Orthodoxy. Thank you in advance for any financial aid you can provide.
+ The Least Bishop Sylvester of Jinja & Eastern Uganda