It is Christ who inspires. The diptych “teaching” and “ministry” was perfectly expressed in the person of the God-man Jesus Christ. His teaching abolishes all the stereotypes of the time. It accepts and elevates women, abolishes slavery and borders and forgives sin. It beautifies man, it adopts him. At the same time it stands by him, heals his every wound, frees him from his hunger, calms his fears. The Apostles were called to follow His example immediately after Pentecost. In order to remain undivided in the preaching work without neglecting or abandoning charity, they elected the seven deacons.

Our Fraternity, inspired by the work of the seven deacons in the early Church, for more than 15 years has been offering support to the missionaries by sending containers consisting of humanitarian aid (food, church and medical supplies and many others). The admonition of God’s Word: ” No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.. (1 Cor. 10:24)” and the effort to implement it, fills us with joy, turns our ministry into a festival. A heavenly feast in which, while you go there in order to benefit, you leave benefited. Only in the Church can such things happen. Only near Christ can you experience all this.
After all, it is not enough to learn about Christ in theory, it is necessary to live Him in ministry!
Konstantinos Mettalidis, ThD