Christ is risen!
With God’s help, we are well. I went through a stroke, but by the grace of God I got over it. Now, I have returned to my duties. I will be in the field for three days and another three days I will be at St. Demetrios Church and the Apostle Paul Theological Seminary. I am doing this because we do not know when the epidemic will end and I fear that we will not have enough to eat. So I planted cabbages, lettuce and many other things in the field. Now I’m making places for pig stalls. I plan to put in 50 pigs. We also have 5 large swimming pools and put in 7000 fish. In an adjacent field, we plan to put 500 chickens. Soon the weather will change and we will have difficulties, so we are hurrying to get ready.
In the evenings we do the catechisms of the faithful. Father Luke and his elder are with me. In addition to our faith, I taught them how to cultivate the fields so we can have food this year, and they were all happy. The houses for the pigs and chickens are ready and now we are looking for piglets and foals to put there. It is a lot of expense to purchase, so pray that the good Lord will bless this project.
With the love of Christ,
π. Chrysostomos Manalu