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Philothea and the rope

Philothei, a modest and very fearful daughter of God and obedient to her spiritual director, grew up like all girls but in a poor family. She approached me one day, I saw her sad and said to me: Father, my heart hurts! As you know, I am in the third grade. In two weeks we take our exams, but so far I have not been able to pay the fees.

I tried to talk to my parents. The answer they gave me upset me and I decided to hang myself. I’ve written a will for them to read after my death.

-What did your parents tell you?
-They both told me: you are old. You should go do what girls do on the streets. You’ll find money easily, we can’t give you any!
-Give me the will and let me see it.

He gave it to me, I opened it and what it said inside! “Dear parents, it is with tears that I write these few lines to you. A thousand times I will give my life to my Christ, I will also give him my virginity. I will end my life today instead of obeying your evil command. I leave this life saddened, I will never do what you tell me to do. I didn’t expect you to have such thoughts about me. I’ve never known a man. It’s good for me to leave this life, but I’m leaving sad. God forgive us…”

-“My father, when I went out on the street, I said to myself: How can I go to hang myself without my spiritual director knowing? That is why I came to tell you before I went, because you have guided me all my life.
-Donkey, I have no money to give you. I’m poor, but I have faith. Now you and I will make a pact with God and tell him this: “God and Savior of our lives, we love you and we beseech you, help us and have mercy on us!”

Baptisms in Goma

That was our prayer. Then I said to her, I will keep the covenant and the rope. If God doesn’t help us, then come and get them.

The 17-year-old girl is gone. After a week, she was stopped in the street by an unknown person, an older man, who said to her: “Girl, I see you sad, what’s wrong with you?” The girl told him her problem, and what response did she get? The old gentleman opened his bag, gave her twice as much as she needed, and disappeared!

The next day, the girl came to me with the money. I told her, go pay. It’s from God, don’t be afraid! Philothei gave us an exam, passed the exam, got into university and is in her third year. My brothers, only faith in God will save us and obedience to our spiritual father. The evil one who led Judas to hang himself has not stopped with his tricks, he dances day and night looking for whom to snatch. Let us ask the Lord to enlighten us and his mercy to guide us through the ages.

π. Hariton Musungayi
