The Light of Christ among the Orphans

When one is orphaned, poor or widowed, it seems that an endless darkness and despair is waiting for them, to such an extent that many of us would feel with certainty that Christ has left us. For this reason, the Orthodox Church chose to preach the Gospel with deeds to this marginalized group of our society.

In the two years since the establishment of our Diocese, we have started a scholarship program to help poor children study. We have also opened the St. Tabitha Orphanage and School, which houses 30 children. We feed and educate them, but we need books and money for the teachers’ salaries. The good news is that we are now building them a permanent home, which is due to be completed by December. We have also opened the St. Basil Orphanage in Kissimmee, where we recently baptized 60 people, among whom 16 orphans.

Moreover, we have got several feeding programs, while our priests are touring the various regions to teach the Word of God to our faithful. Our bishopric building and our little church have been completed, and we currently have to provide water to the poor families, to the St. Tabitha Orphanage as well as to the inland villages. We would like to thank you wholeheartedly for helping us make a substantial difference for the vulnerable of life. Remember us in your prayers.

† Athanasios of Kisumu

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60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries