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Mission in North Kenya

Dear Friends of the Mission,
Christ is Risen!

Startling and pan-Orthodox the Paschal message of the life-bearing Resurrection of our Lord, which empowers us spiritually to serve our sacred purpose. The Holy Diocese of Nyeri, like every diocese on the African continent, is confronted with big challenges on a daily basis. The divine grace, “which always heals that which is infirm and completes that which is lacking”, is the driving force in our lives every day.

Our missionary work is tough! Every day we must support our clergy both financially and spiritually. Then, hundreds of orphans struggle for a better future. We see them full of zeal build churches to the glory of God, which makes us seriously consider the great challenge of learning. With the little that we have, we struggle to educate and equip them with knowledge and skills in order to give them hope for a better future.

Our diocese is in great need of more prayer and support as well as laborers so as to be able to cope with the missionary work here and do its best for all those who the Lord has entrusted to us. Every day, ensuring transparency, we make the best use possible of any kind of contribution, whether small or big, in order to turn the dream for life into reality.

May the Risen Jesus Christ bless you all and grant you health, blessing and His infinite mercy.

† Neophytos of Nyeri
