Speech by His Eminence Metropolitan Nikephoros of Kinshasa
His Eminence Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kinshasa speaks about the difficulties and the work of the Orthodox mission in Congo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahM5WEUnpJs
His Eminence Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kinshasa speaks about the difficulties and the work of the Orthodox mission in Congo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahM5WEUnpJs
It is a University, under the auspices of the Orthodox Church and produces 140 graduates every year. No, it’s not in Europe, it’s not in America. It is located in Kinshasa, Congo, and includes a Faculty of Theology and a Faculty of Computer Science. Already the first theologians have graduated, who will plough the aching soil of Africa to spread the message of Christ.
Orthodox missionary of Sumatra Fr Chrysostomos Manalu speaks about Orthodoxy in the most populous Muslim country in the world
See the second part of Mr. Nikolaos Aslanidis’ reportage on the beautiful but poor island country of Africa.
Experiencing every year the unique and unprecedented events of the Passion of our Lord in the Church, we come closer to Him, they make us bend before the magnitude of His love and give us new possibilities to strive and draw closer to Him. Anyone who has lived or interacted with the Athonite monastic life…
Excerpts from the speech of Rev. Bishop Makarios of Kenya to our Brotherhood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNSVlYK9J-0
Any interruption would deprive the Orthodox Church of staff members, which are necessary for the functioning of the Holy Churches, schools, charity, catechesis, missionary work in the cities, in the villages, to the people in the forests…