The Conditions of the Mission in Cameroon
Excerpts from a lecture by Metropolitan Gregory of Cameroon, on the Orthodox Mission and the conditions in which missionaries try to carry the gospel message

Another place of martyrdom
“Following CODECO’s massacre of 17 civilians in Djugu, ADF terrorists in turn killed mercilessly 11 Congolese in Irumu. Faced with the silence of the state authorities, Ituri continues its descent into hell. Mined by local and foreign militias, the area has become a real site of bloody raids, as has North Kivu. … …

Memories from Fr. Cosmas of Gregoriou
On January 27, 30 years will have been completed since the unexpected departure for the Lord of the pioneer missionary priest Fr.Cosmas of Gregoriou, who with his unparalleled diligence watered the roots of the Orthodox Mission and made it grow deeper and settle in the land of Katanga, in Southern Congo. From the very first…

Orthodoxy in Madagascar
“The people welcome us with great joy and sitting under a tree, where there is no Holy Church, they watch the catechist with great attention and silence.”
Congo: In our most distant parish
The calm waters of the Oubangui have again received the blessing of the Holy Spirit that often makes the rivers of Africa look like the Jordan. The Ecuadorian sun gives its glow to the river, increasing the heat, permanent in the Impfondo. Seated at the roots (literally) of a huge tree, some thirty or so…
Orthodoxy in Burundi and Rwanda
Excerpts from the speech of the Bishop of Burundi & Innocentius on the Orthodox Mission in the lecture hall of the Brotherhood.