The Voice of the Orthodox faith

Dear brothers in Christ,

With this letter I would first like to thank you for your multiple benefactions towards our Holy Diocese, which I have been humbly serving as its head for seven years.

The work of the Diocese extends tο a large region of the province of Katanga with a population of 16 million people. We try to do anything in our power so that the Word of God is heard, that is why ten years ago we created a radio station with very high ratings. However, a major obstacle to disseminating the Word of our God is the power failure and the antenna which we use from the telephone exchange of Kolwezi.

We ended up creating an antenna near our radio station, which will be fed by the electric generator of the Mission when there is no state power supply. Its total cost will reach the amount of 12,000 American dollars.

I humbly ask all of you to help us with our request mentioned above so that our Station operates continuously for the glory of God.

I wish you a Happy Lent and God’s blessing in abundance to all of you.

† Meletios of Katanga

60 χρόνια μετά: Εκδήλωση μνήμης Αγίων Ιεραποστόλων