Dear brothers, “Thank you very much, God bless them”. This is the thanks that every student of the Diocese of I. Katanga gave to your Fraternity when they received the aid you kindly provided for their studies. You know how difficult and expensive it is to study here in the Congo and in Africa in general. We also know how difficult a thing it is to undertake an educational adoption today, with the crisis our beloved country is going through, and how much love it takes to undertake such an action. The Holy Diocese of Katanga, in the south of Congo, thanks your Brotherhood and we ask you to convey our blessings and thanks to the foster parents of these children. We received the amount of 14,000 € for the school years 2011-12 and 2012-13. With this money, our students were able to pay their registration fees, as here the fees are paid at the beginning of the year. Please do not forget us in your prayers to God.