In the area of Muyange there was a fountain, from which the inhabitants got clean water. During the war, the spring and the fountain were destroyed and people were forced to take water from the river, which is 3 km away. Small children and adults daily walked with a can on their heads for a long time.
Every time we visited the area, all we were asked for was “amasi, patiri, amasi” – water, father, water. With your help we revived the dead fountain. The drilling rig went down fifteen meters deeper locating the main water vein. A mechanical pump was installed, which we protected with a small building, and an electric generator to drive the pump, which transfers the water to a reservoir and from there the flow is continuous.
Their joy was great. Clean water, what a blessing, what happiness! Now cholera will be a thing of the past in the region. Of course, we were not able to convince them right away that the animals should not drink water from there. They all brought their goats and cows to quench their thirst. To our remarks they replied: “if our animals die, we will die too”. It will take time, but they will understand that animals should not drink water from there. Maybe later we will build a watering trough.
The repair of the fountain and the construction of the reservoir and the shelter cost a total of 3,700 euros, which is the contribution of your Brotherhood, and for this we thank you very much, conveying the thanks of the local residents. With the love of Christ
The Burundi Sava