Construction of a Church, school and clinic in Gungu, Congo
In a region of Congo where the mission is just now spreading its activities, our Brotherhood has undertaken the financing of three building projects on a mission plot in the town of Gungu. This area is quite remote from the Mission Centres of the Diocese of Central Africa and is a new breeding ground for the Orthodox faith. Metropolitan Nikephoros of Central Africa informs us of the following:
In Gungu town of Bandundu province we have two hectares offered by the vice-rector of our University Theodore Fumouanja. Gungu town is a central city with an airport, with a population of over 60,000 inhabitants which with the surrounding areas exceeds 100,000. It is a place that could slowly become a very good missionary centre throughout the region with a school and a dispensary. They kept begging us to build a temple there. From this province we have three students in our theological seminary. One of them is married and is scheduled to be ordained. All three students are very zealous and even spent the summer vacation period doing catechesis in their area with remarkable results.
In this area, it is planned to erect a Holy Church in the name of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which will house the worship of the faithful of the region. A school complex will also be built, which will provide free education to the children of Gungu, irrespective of religion and creed. Finally, a model dispensary will be erected, which will offer its services pro bono, alleviating human suffering. Already the foundation of the shrine and the school have been laid. Our Brotherhood has so far offered for the realization of these projects the amount of 76,000 euros, covered by anonymous donors from Thessaloniki. You too can help in the realization of this breathtaking project that will transform the lives of the local residents. Give our Congolese brothers and sisters the gifts of worship, education and medical care.