Mission and in Kisigani
And in Kisangani the light of Orthodoxy is advancing. The first missionary church is founded with the pioneer doctor Mr. Luke Antipepepe. Through the actions of Mr. Luke, the church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which belonged to the Greek community and was abandoned, was renovated. Below is the corresponding letter of His Eminence Ignatius.
Dear Mr. President and other members of the Board of Directors and of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Ex. Mission , You have asked and encouraged me to write to you about any urgent need we have in our mission in Kinshasa. Thank you very much for this expression of your love as well. I am grateful to you and I thank you warmly on this occasion and for what you have previously offered us as a brother. I am enclosing forms for a van to serve us by transporting vegetables and other produce from our farm to our campus to feed the food of our Theological School students. The cost is $30,000. By this letter I inform you that I have become the title holder of the land of the Greeks in Kinsagani. I agree to the plan of a progressive establishment of a missionary center (playground, kindergarten, elementary school, etc.) on the site of the Greek Community in Kinsagani. And I find a suitable person and worthy of trust in Dr. Flavien Luc Adipepe Bekale Sasa, to whom I can entrust the supervision of the above-mentioned works and their subsequent smooth operation.
With great appreciation and best wishes
the African centrist Ignatius