Reference to Panagiotis Papadimitrakopoulos
The continuer of the course of Apostle Paul in Macedonia, in our Thessaloniki and why not in all of Greece. In eternal remembrance, accept from me, too, the slightest greeting, a “Eternal memory of this”. One of the first to teach and apply the meaning of the Orthodox Foreign Mission to the nations. Constantly hearing from the pioneering Fathers of the Orthodox Church, Fr. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos, Fr. Chariton Pneumatakis and other Fathers, the constant call “help us”. Yes! Both the blessed Papadimitrakopoulos and his very worthy companion, Mrs. Elli, were not unmoved. “Diabasis help us” became his life’s purpose. They spent their property, their spiritual and material life. They were among the first in Greece, in our Thessaloniki, to inaugurate an Orthodox Centre for Foreign Missionary Work. An anxious, active, enlightened, intellectual, scientist. He devoted all his energies to the spread and establishment of the Foreign Mission . Light of Christ to be spread throughout the World. His first companion, his life companion Mrs. Elli. Subsequently, of course with toil and difficulty, it became one of the most important Missionary Centres of Greece. This effort continues and grows with the remarkable continuators even today. My personal testimony confirms what I have mentioned about the completion of this effort. As a spiritual child of the holy fathers and pioneers of the cause of the sutum, “Go ye evermore discipling the nations…” Father Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos and Father Charitonos Pneimatiki, in the difficult period in Edessa 1939-1945 (occupation-war situation). In the Catechism I listened and learned in my childhood, and all this, when the fullness of time came, and hearing the call to offer and minister in the Foreign Mission , I asked for information how I can make this opening. In 1986-1987, during a visit to the blessed Papadimitrakopoulos, I asked his opinion on this as a knowledgeable person. To go to Colosse near Father Kosmas. So it was done and with God’s blessings and the blessings of the then Metropolitan of Central Africa, Blessed Timotheos Kontomerkos, since 1987, I humbly offer and say: “for you, my Christ, we walk”. Today, with Pope Cosmas’ successor in the missionary work in Colosse, Congo, Theophilos Meletios, I am called Mother and I am Mother of all whites and Congolese.
Edessa 10-1-2010
Mother Theano, missionary in Congo