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Death Accompanies Children’s Butterflies

Dear Friends of Mission,

The days on my mind run like the daily sweat in our ministry to the needs of our native brothers here in Southern Madagascar.

Perhaps most places are not suitable or hospitable from a geophysical point of view, but the sincere feelings of love on the part of the inhabitants make up for their unfavorable position by opening a window of Christian hope and optimism towards my course as a missionary.

There are moments when the tear of despair for survival joins ours when emotions overflow.

In every friendly and hospitable village that welcomes us, we try to cultivate and plant seeds of Orthodox Christianity, the true faith… Many times we feel their smile washing our hearts like a crystal clear waterfall.

However, we suddenly encounter the immensity of sadness as well when we see faint joy, death accompanying children that were playing with colorful butterflies only a short time ago.

We look for them at the dawn of their lives. But new baby butterflies still fly into eternity.

We would like to convey our warmest thanks to the Lord for our friends and supporters from the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity.

From the Holy Diocese
