Orthodoxy in Cameroon
This was helped by your Brotherhood, your own money and your love for the mission and we still have this dispensary.
This was helped by your Brotherhood, your own money and your love for the mission and we still have this dispensary.
Thanksgiving to the Holy God in the Trinity, a heartfelt fulfilment of the Eucharistic desire to be found among old associates and friends, but also to be found, even for a short time, among the flock entrusted to him twenty years ago by the Lord of the Vineyards, for the first time in sub-Saharan Africa…
The Sermon of the Apostle Fr. Prodromos Katsoulis, First Bishop of I.M. Cameroon
“For these children we all must become the Christ of their neighbourhood”
Don’t let me die, don’t let me… Let me get well and I’ll be in church every day… Pray for me. Don’t let me die
When we approached, we saw that the man pushing the cart was… blind! And they had walked a huge distance together in the increased traffic on the roads… The disabled man was guiding his blind brother, hoping for God’s mercy!
By the grace of God, we finished the construction of the Church of St. Charalambos in the town of Sangmelima in Southern Cameroon. This, of course, is only the beginning.
For a transmission of the Gospel will, we wander in the African continent and forcibly consume ourselves, believing that what we do is for the glory of the Church and may be heard after our crucifixion… But how many wondrous things could be done, if the Church that sent us were to intervene in philanthropy to strengthen and assist our humble work?
Mission is a basic condition for the existence of every Church and woe to the Church that has cut its ties with mission; it is like a tree that cuts its own roots…
We thought to create an open Library – Reading Room with computers and links to electronic libraries from all over the world via the internet and this library should be open to students.
This is the perspective of the Apostolic work that all Orthodox need, who, if the Lord Jesus Christ had asked us: ‘Do you kiss the majority of your people?’, would probably have spent decades before we would have found an answer…