Sister Nectaria

Για να επιστρέψει ξανά το χαμόγελο στα πρόσωπα των ορφανών της Κολκάτα
Diocese of Singapore

Lucky Girls

Our (orphan but) lucky girls in Calcutta

Diocese of Singapore

The pain of separation

Last period, I was in the hospital, day and night, next to a 6-year-old girl, who suddenly, while healthy and happy, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, which manifested itself with a severe headache. I immediately took her to the doctor, but there she lost consciousness and never woke up again…

Diocese of Singapore

Children’s short stories

We profile the past of two of the children of our Calcutta Orphanages. Their stories are different. What they have in common is the impoverishment, neglect/abandonment that marked their infancy, a fact that characterizes the early life of all our orphans.

Diocese of Singapore

Thanks from Calcutta

As much as we try to cut costs, the needs of a project of this scale and scope are still many and pressing, so every euro is vital to us.

Diocese of Singapore

On the border of love

Thanks to the collection of donations from America and Australia, the operation of our orphanages has been extended…

Diocese of Singapore

Actively supporting orphans in India

In these troubled times, your stash is worth many times more, as it is grafted with the real “gold”: love, the greatest value of the Christian life, which does not require much, but the disposition of our hearts.

Some orphans are asking for your love (with photos)

The dramatic decline in donations is a matter of concern and concern for us. It is sadly predicted that we may soon be forced to discontinue some of our programs. But we must, at all costs, keep the operation of the orphanages intact and stable…

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries