Devastation in Beira
One historical church of our Patriarchate in Beira, Mozambique, built with toil and sacrifices by Orthodox Christians 110 years ago, has suffered great damage from the deadly cyclone that struck the region…
One historical church of our Patriarchate in Beira, Mozambique, built with toil and sacrifices by Orthodox Christians 110 years ago, has suffered great damage from the deadly cyclone that struck the region…
Dear brothers in Christ and partners in the great work of spreading Orthodoxy, I am aware of your interest and love for the newly established Diocese of Malawi and I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for the continued support of your Fraternity in the difficult task that the Alexandrian Church has assigned me. Since
The children are forced to hike every day, about fifteen kilometres, in order to learn the basics and not to remain illiterate. But many children are unable to make this tiring and often dangerous journey…
Help to complete the St. Panteleimon Clinic in Magalali Iriga. Within a radius of about 20 kilometres, thousands of people are without medical assistance.
The loving mother called the Orthodox Church, apart from the drilling of wells, the building of clinics and many other charity projects, also took care of the construction and operation of thirty Holy Churches…
Dear and blessed brothers and sisters in Christ and partners of the vineyard of the Orthodox Foreign Mission in Tanzania, Africa. With the blessings of our Metropolitan Demetrios and your assistance, we continue the difficult and responsible struggle of evangelization of our fellow human beings living here. However, we do not fail, according to the
After many years of missionary stagnation, the mission in Arusha was revived, with the preparation and baptism of seven young people. It is worth noting that the mission in the African continent was started at the beginning of the last century in the above mentioned region by the late Archimandrite Nicodemus Sarika. Praise be to
The inauguration of the school, which took place last month, was attended by Minister to the Prime Minister…
Repeatedly our physical integrity was endangered with the existing outdated car. At least three times Providence has protected us from a certain accident…
LIVERY 20-10-2009 “Having gone on making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” With the help of God Almighty, the permission of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicodemus of Kassandria and at the invitation of His Eminence Metropolitan of Irinopolis. Demetrios, my seventh