Bishop Photios of Malawi

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Maji di mojo

Christ is Risen! By the Grace of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Wishes and Blessings of His Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa THEODORE II and your prayers, our diocesan ministry continues in faraway Malawi. Glory to God for all things! After the Great and Holy Week and the Resurrection

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

For our children’s school

My dear brothers and children in Christ, partners of the Missionary Ministry of the Holy Diocese of Malawi, Hail in the Lord. With much Love and appreciation, I would first of all, on the completion of sixty years since the foundation of your Fraternity, I would like to express my humble High Priestly wishes, as

For the Holy Faith of Christ

Dear Friends of Mission, By the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with the blessings of H.D.B. Theodore II Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, and with the love of His Grace Bishop Fotios of Malawi, we continue our missionary work in Malawi. We will start our update with the good

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Clean water for all

Dear Friends of Mission, Rejoice in the Lord always! Let us always glorify for all His blessings the Highly Praised and Glorious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “By Whom we have received Redemption ”, according to St. Paul, the Great Apostle of the Nations, who was made worthy of a heavenly journey.

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Temptations and blessings

Dear Friends of Mission, It is with feelings of joy and gratitude that I am writing these lines for your prestigious magazine, because on the one hand I feel that you constitute the rear guard of the Foreign Mission of our Church, and on the other, because I remember your many and invaluable financial contributions

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Walking missionarily

Dear Friends of Mission, Christ is Risen! By the grace of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ, the blessings of HDB Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, and the love of His Grace Photios of Malawi , I have come to Malawi for the third time in order to contribute with my

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Proceeding with hope

Dear Friends of Mission, Just a few days before the second surgery that I will undergo, for which I ask for your prayers, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your support to the humble Missionary work which is being performed by the Grace of God and the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

With the waves of the sea

Dear brothers and sisters, “my joy and my crown” as the great Apostle of the Gentiles Paul writes, My heart is full of feelings of praise and thanksgiving to the Holy God, the true God, who has merited us in His infinite mercy, to know and, though undeservedly, to serve with the highest rank of

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

A church sets sail

Dear friends of the Mission, Rejoice that Christ is risen, giving eternal life. It is with joyful resurrectionist feelings that I again communicate with you, the blessed co-workers of the Foreign Mission, to invite you, on the one hand, to praise “Christ risen from the dead” for His visible and invisible benefits to us sinners

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Supporting the poor

Dear Friends of Mission, As a missionary bishop, I feel very thankful to my Lord, “for His merciful kindness is great toward me, His humble and unworthy servant”, so that I may minister the great Work of His Church, that of the Evangelization of the people who are far away from our traditionally Christian homelands.

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries