Bishop Prodromos of Toliara

Diocese of Toliara

Bridge of salvation and love

Dear friends of the Mission, Hello! It is with deep emotion and infinite respect that we send this speech, the fruit of gratitude for the volunteer doctors and specialists who left their homeland and came here, in Southern Madagascar. This visit was not just a journey – it was the living flame of the Gospel,

Diocese of Toliara

For the priests’ house

My dear brothers and fellow companions, Christ is Risen. Our joy is great because always during this Resurrection period, the group baptisms of the catechists take place. By the Grace of God, 500 new members received Holy Baptism and became members of our local Orthodox Church. How can one describe the overwhelming feelings at that

Diocese of Toliara

Milk for our children

The moment I am writing these lines is a few days before Judgment Sunday. How stunning the words of our Christ are! What does He tell us? That the criterion of judgment will be how we behaved towards our brother. Towards our suffering brothers, the sick, the imprisoned, the thirsty, the naked, the needy… My


60 years of presence

60 years of continuous giving and love. 60 years of peace to the missionaries of Africa, Asia, Oceania, all over the world. 60 years next to our fellow human beings in pain. Next to the poor, the homeless, the sick and the imprisoned. Next to the children of Africa with their beautiful and meaningful expressive

Diocese of Toliara

Light and life for Toliara

Blessing of the Lord, fragrance of the Resurrection, heavenly scent and blessing of Heaven, the completion of another Sacred Church in the Holy Diocese of Toliara and South Madagascar. The way of fulfilling this work can only be regarded as a spiritual act. Once again, a pious couple undertakes the building of the third Church

Diocese of Toliara

Death Accompanies Children’s Butterflies

Dear Friends of Mission, The days on my mind run like the daily sweat in our ministry to the needs of our native brothers here in Southern Madagascar. Perhaps most places are not suitable or hospitable from a geophysical point of view, but the sincere feelings of love on the part of the inhabitants make

Diocese of Toliara

Our Imprisoned Brothers

My dear brothers and fellow companions, It is not so long ago that our local Church decided to deal with what every society diligently wants to forget: the inmates of penitentiaries. We got our vehicle loaded with rice and utensils and we visited as many prisons as we knew. This happened for days. If you

Diocese of Toliara

Hurricane of faith

Dear Brothers and Friends of the Foreign Mission, I greet you and embrace you in the Lord from South Madagascar, this beautiful island, the earthly paradise of travel guides and at the same time the harsh reality, marginally unsustainable for the indigenous population culminating in the catastrophic onslaught of two fierce typhoons. Houses were leveled,

Diocese of Toliara

Antidote to Despair

Just a few decades ago, the famous Jean Paul Sartre, immersed in the latent Western tradition rooted in himself, exclaimed: “l’enfer, c’est les autres” (hell is other people). Whoever they are, known and unknown; the face of every person whom I will encounter. In the process of relating to the others, something steals my time,

Diocese of Toliara

The heaven on earth that cannot feed its children

Dear friends of the Mission, Honestly, every time I write a piece for your publication, I hope and pray that it will be the last time I fill the page with human pain. After an unprecedentedly arid four years, for the entire territory of Southern Madagascar, the majority of the indigenous people are facing the

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries