Letter from Madagascar: With heart and awareness
God’s grace accompanies and strengthens us in the difficult days we are going through. It is a test and a lesson for all of us.
God’s grace accompanies and strengthens us in the difficult days we are going through. It is a test and a lesson for all of us.
Lately we have had a lot of destruction from the monsoon. Many houses were destroyed and people were left on the streets. Three churches of ours were destroyed and now need major repairs to be reopened…
“We hope that with God’s grace we will soon be able to open our orphanage to house more than 200 orphans and abandoned babies, who are now grown and require their own space.”
Images of the charity work of the Orthodox Church in Madagascar
By the grace of God and with the blessings of the reverend Primate of our Secondary Patriarchate and our spiritual father, His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros, the works are progressing. The crisis has certainly affected us here, because the income has been reduced by 50%, so we are humanly concerned. We believe, however, that God oversees
However, it is necessary to operate an ophthalmological unit for the treatment of ophthalmological diseases since there are many cases in contrast to the medical state care provided. Dear Sir, President and members of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood, hail in the Lord. It is a fact that it is not easy at all here,
Agricultural school Dear members of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood, I am pleased to inform you that the agricultural school in Adranovory, Tulear, which your Brotherhood sponsored, was finished last month. Please also inform the donor, Mr. Agathaggelos Miliadis, and thank him on my behalf. We are now trying to secure the money needed for
Many times we refer to the difficulties of the mission without talking about specific events. Mission is an endless story of adventures, with many different events, people and things.
Dear, Mr. President and members of the Foreign Missionary Fraternity of Thessaloniki, rejoice in the Lord always. Allow me firstly to thank you for your continued support in our humble missionary work, and secondly to inform you of the progress of the two projects your brotherhood is funding. The high school which you financed a
Dear, Mr. President and members of the Brotherhood of the Foreign Mission of Thessaloniki. Christ is risen! I am sending you with great pleasure of the residents of the area of the SOAVINARIVO TANA High School the photos , showing the construction of the frame and walls of the building, which have been completed. We