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Missionary news from New Zealand

In New Zealand, efforts are intensifying to finish the monastery’s Church of the Immaculate Archangels with the adjacent chapel of St. Basil, in order to inaugurate the Holy Baptistery on April 30 and on the first of May the inauguration with the first Divine Liturgy. “Those who have been baptized into Christ, have received Christ”….

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The first Orthodox Easter in South Fiji

The dream of hope has travelled to reality God’s blessing and God’s joy. Double the joys. In Fiji, Pacific Islands, the chapel of St. Friday in the courtyard of our Mission Center in Sabeto, Nadi is nearing completion. Despite the still existing shortcomings our small flock there deserved to attend the Holy Masses of Holy…

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A historic day in Fiji

Wednesday 16 December 2009 Commemoration of the Holy Prophet Haggaios, Theophanos the Queen and Modestus Patriarch of Jerusalem. 8.00 a.m. The contractor and his crew get a blessing and start measuring and marking the foundation so that the next the building of St. Paraskevi, in the courtyard of the missionary centre in Sabeto, Nantes. What…

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Thank you from Fiji

07-11-2009 In the capital of the glorious land of our Macedonia, the holy city of Thessaloniki, from where Alexander the Great began his civilizing work in Asia and the holy self-brother Apostles Cyril and Methodius began their missionary and educational work in the countries of the Slavic-speaking peoples of Europe, an Orthodox native from the…

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A thrilling experience in Fiji

Everything looked good from the moment we boarded the catamaran and leaving behind us the port of Nantes, we started to approach one after the other the beautiful islands with white sandy beaches and wild tropical vegetation, until we reached Yasawa Ira Ira, the island of our newly-converted sister Sophronia. The boat was full of…

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Missionary News from Fiji

By the grace and mercy of our Saviour and by the intercessions of His holy and glorious Apostles, whose holy assembly our holy Church celebrates today, I write to you from our missionary house to tell you: That with God’s help we celebrated the first consecration, the first I. Eucharist and the first Divine Liturgy….