The spring issue of Orthodox Mission magazine is now out!

The spring issue of Orthodox Mission magazine has been published, featuring news and reports from 12 missionary regions across Africa and Asia. It also includes information one the Fraternity’s activities in 2024, including the annual report and financial statement.

You can now read the individual articles online and share it with your friends.

Read the articles

A Container and the First Drilling in Togo
Benin | Stories

A Container and the First Drilling in Togo

With feelings of gratitude and great joy, we glorify the Almighty God who never ceases to show us His infinite love through the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity, which sent us a container with food, clothes, shoes, and various other items for our flock in the Holy Diocese of Benin, Togo, and Burkina Faso

Above are the articles published so far. Come back in a few days to see more!
