Annual Report 2024
“Christ, the true light, the light that enlightens and sanctifies every man who comes into the world”
One more testimony, one more prayer of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, for the truth and the light which the face of Christ radiates. The Fathers tell us with certainty that it not only enlightens but also sanctifies every person who comes into contact with this light, which our Church calls the universal mission of illumination to “All Nations”.
Saint Cyril of Alexandria says that Christ is “essentially Light”.
This true light is sought by people in every corner of the earth through their spiritual concerns.
A light that gives hope, joy and meaning to transcend death, to meet the living Christ, the perfect man and God, to live with him the sanctification through the way to the Resurrection!
This path always passes through the Crucifixion.
The Cross and the Mission are constituted, co-exist, sympathize and co-articulate the mission of the Church, as a revelation of God, to preach the Gospel “to the ends of the earth”.
“This is the will of him that sent me, that whosoever believeth on the Son, and believeth on him, may have eternal life… and I will raise him up at the last day.”
This Resurrection is what the Greek Missionaries live and reveal, this testimony they share with the world, as a precious gift, as a sacred legacy of the experience of the Risen Christ.
This is the truth that they carry “throughout all creation” with a clear conscience in the words of the Apostle Paul repeating once again “for the ignorance of God, I say to your shame”.
For this agnosia of God, the Fraternity fights with all its strength alongside the Missionary Scales, in order to support and strengthen the work of material and moral support for the glory of God!
Let us draw strength, my brothers and sisters, from the words of the Holy Apostle John Chrysostom, who tells us with certainty that “godliness is insatiable”, that is, the work done for God never tires!
Again the Saint says “do not leave all the burdens to us clergy… you can do much for the Mission”.
You know, brothers, because you are members of this Fraternity, with how many tears, sweat and blood this light of Christ is transmitted through the missionary work to all the Nations!
Let us draw strength, my brothers and sisters, from their words and let us work within ourselves the missionary conscience.
The fathers say that we must direct our consciousness towards God, towards our neighbour and towards the creation of the created world!
And the first is man’s awareness and debt to God, the second is man’s debt to his neighbour, and the third is thanksgiving to the Creator and the forgery of life…
For “every creature of God is good, and nothing that is rejected is received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the word of God and by faith.”

Visits by Missionaries
The monthly meetings of our Fraternity continued in 2024. The following were present and presented to us the work of the Mission:
- Bishops Demetrios of Irinoupolis (Jan), Theodosios of Kinshasa (Feb), Daniel of Accra (Dec),
- Bishops Panaretos of Nyeri (Mar), Timoteo of Assos (May), Athanasios of Benin and Togo (Jun), Polycarpos of Bunia and Kisangani (Nov),
- and the missionary Fr. Methodios Sri Gunarjo from Central Java, Indonesia (Apr)
In addition, during the year the following visited our offices:
- Bishops Ignatios of Antananarivo, Chariton of Kananga, Meletios of Katanga, Theodosios of Kinshasa, Cosmas of Constantiane, Germanos of Damietta,
- Bishops Agathonikos of Arusha, Nektarios of Gulu, Chrysostomos of Boukobas, Silvester of Tzintzas, Prodromos of Toliaras,
- and the Missionaries Fr. Porphyrios Kyparissas from Arusha, Tanzania, Fr. Aristotle Asiimwe from Rubaare, Uganda
Permanent programmes
The total amount offered for the Missions was 805.000 €. More specifically, in 2024 we strengthened the following programmes:
- Soup kitchens: we funded 11,530 meals for the hungry.
- Baptisms: We managed 136 baptism registrations, which took place in Arusha, Malawi and Bukoba.
- Scholarships: We awarded 18 scholarships in Katanga and 10 scholarships in Jinja, to provide learning opportunities for young people in Africa. In addition, we awarded an increased monthly scholarship to an African postgraduate student in Greece, from the proceeds of the Porlighi Endowment.
- Priests’ salaries: we sent 24.400 € for the salaries of priests in Accra, Bukoba, Jinja
- India Orphanage: We supported the operation of the orphanage in Kolkata, India, which has proved to be a life-saving experience for dozens of children, with the amount of 18,380 €
- Kinshasa Theological Seminary: For the production of new members of the Orthodox Church in Kinshasa, we donated the amount of 9,000 €.

Humanitarian aid
With God’s help, the Fraternity continues this great and essential work of sending containers of humanitarian aid to the living and struggling Mission!
How many anxieties and how many prayers accompany these material goods to reach their destination!
How necessary food is for our poor and needy fellow human beings!
How much it strengthens and encourages the Missionaries and how much joy they feel when they offer a little rice, a little milk, a little food for the relief of the poor and deprived believers!
But also how much enthusiasm is felt by all those who have benefited from the Mother Church that does not forget them in the difficult and arduous daily life!
I always remember the blessed and holy Metropolitan Nikephoros of Kinshasa stressing to us how important and necessary this work is, which he covered with silence and prayer!
A two-way project, as we talked about in the budget, beneficial for the hearts of our own young people who daily interrupt and always turn this effort into a festival of joy, giving and sacrifice!
In 2024 we sent the following containers:
Date | Region | Value |
28/1/2024 | Ρουμανία | 16.575 € |
1/4/2024 | Τολιάρα | 21.820 € |
18/6/2024 | Κινσάσα | 31.380 € |
28/6/2024 | Γουινέα | 21.480 € |
28/4/2024 | Βουλγαρία | 16.575 € |
6/10/2024 | Τόγκο | 21.580 € |
3/11/2024 | Μαλάουι | 25.080 € |
27/11/2024 | Κινσάσα | 17.840 € |
23/12/2024 | Κατάγκα | 23.580 € |
28/11/2024 | Βουλγαρία | 16.505 € |
Overall overview of remittances
In addition to the above, the Fraternity sent to the missionary echelons the amount of 568,000 euros, of which 138,000 euros for general needs
In total, the Fraternity in 2024 supported 30 missionary teams as follows:
Βόρεια Αφρική | Πατριαρχείο Αλεξανδρείας |
Δυτική Αφρική | Άκκρας Καμερούν Μπενίν και Τόγκο Σιέρρα Λεόνε |
Κεντρική Αφρική | Γκόμας Κανάγγας Κατάγγας Κινσάσας Μπούνιας |
Ανατολική Αφρική | Ανταναναρίβο Αρούσας Γκούλου Ειρηνουπόλεως Καμπάλας Μαλάουι Μπουκόμπας Μπουρούντι Ναϊρόμπι Νυέρι Ρουάντα Τζίντζας Τολιάρας |
Κεντρική Αμερική | Μεξικού – Αϊτή |
Νότια Αμερική | Μεξικού – Κολομβία |
Μελανησία | Νέας Ζηλανδίας & Ωκεανίας |
Νότια Ασία | Σιγκαπούρης – Ινδία |
Νοτιοανατολική Ασία | Σιγκαπούρης – Ινδονησία – Ανατολική Ιάβα Σιγκαπούρης – Ινδονησία – Κεντρική Ιάβα Σιγκαπούρης – Ινδονησία – Μεντάν |

Construction Projects
For yet another year, the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity led the way in good works in mission countries. With its experience, reliability and management competence, the Fraternity in 2024 oversaw the following projects:
No | Program | Region | Project | Amount 2024 | Status |
1 | Holy Temples | Gulu | Holy Church of Saint Lawrence | From 2023 | Masonry |
2 | Holy Temples | Central Java | Renovation of St. Catherine’s Church | 11.500,00 € | Completed |
3 | Holy Temples | Colombia | Holy Church of St. Athanasius Cerete | 15.000,00 € | Near completion |
4 | Holy Temples | Malawi | Maintenance of the Church of Saints Athanasius and Cyril | 2.200,00 € | Completed |
5 | Holy Temples | Bukoba | St. Eumenius Nunnery, Bugaza, Kyerwa | 39.400,00 € | Completed |
6 | Holy Temples | Jinja | Renovation of the Apostle Paul’s Church | 5.000,00 € | Completed |
7 | Holy Temples | Jinja | Holy Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Ndalike | 7.000,00 € | Completed |
8 | Clinics | Accra | Clinic in Accra | 23.000,00 € | Programming |
9 | Clinics | Arusha | Midwifery Clinic Kidamali (extension of the clinic) | 21.393,24 € | Equipment |
10 | Clinics | Toliara | Clinic at the Toliaras orphanage | 10.800,00 € | Completed |
11 | Buildings | Jinja | Ginza Missionary Centre | 35.000,00 € | Framing |
12 | Schools | Rubaare | Primary School in Rubaare | 19.000,00 € | Masonry |
13 | Schools | Bukoba | Primary School in Kakerere | 10.000,00 € | Completed |
Water supply
In addition, to address the pressing problem of water scarcity, the Fraternity also funded 22 new drilling projects in African countries last year with a total of €99,000 in funds, as follows:
No | Region | Project | Amount 2024 | Status |
1 | Accra | Well at the Holy Baptist Gomoa Akropong | 2.175,00 € | Completed |
2 | Accra | Well in Metamorphosis Accra | 2.000,00 € | Completed |
3 | Accra | Well in Agios Nikolaos Tema | 2.000,00 € | Completed |
4 | Accra | Well in Tsiaveme, Dzodze, Volta | 2.000,00 € | Completed |
5 | Accra | Well at Atsiakorpe, Afite, Ketu North District | 2.000,00 € | Completed |
6 | Arusha | Well in Mkobe | 5.000,00 € | Completed |
7 | Gulu | Well in Karamoja | 5.000,00 € | Completed |
8 | Kananga | Well in Kananga | 9.500,00 € | Completed |
9 | Katanga | Well at the I.M. of the Holy Apostles of Tsampoulas | From 2023 | Completed |
10 | Katanga | Well 10/2024 | 5.000,00 € | Completed |
11 | Malawi | Well 8/2024 | 5.000,00 € | Completed |
12 | Bunia | Well 4a/2024 | 5.000,00 € | Completed |
13 | Bunia | Well 4b/2024 | 6.000,00 € | Completed |
14 | Togo & Benin | Well in Soumbou, B. Togo | 6.000,00 € | Completed |
15 | Bunia | Well 4c/2024 | 6.000,00 € | Near completion |
16 | Accra | Well 10/2024 | 2.000,00 € | In Programming |
17 | Accra | Well 8/2024 | 4.000,00 € | In Programming |
18 | Accra | Wells 12/2024 | 8.500,00 € | In Programming |
19 | Gulu | Well 12/2024 | 5.000,00 € | In Programming |
20 | Katanga | Well 10/2024 | 5.000,00 € | In Programming |
21 | Bunia | Well 5/2024 | 5.300,00 € | In Programming |
22 | Toliara | Well in Mahabyka | 2.334,05 € | In Programming |
23 | Toliara | Well at Ramafana | From 2023 | In Programming |
24 | Toliara | Well in Abataka | 4.990,71 € | In Programming |

Our times are characterised by contradictions, conflicts and lack of values!
Our world suffers from inward-looking egoism, selfishness and arrogance!
Christ calls us through our weaknesses to overcome ourselves, and to find ourselves in the near and far man, to overcome traditions, habits, customs and customs, overcoming our fears and becoming fellow companions with “Always the Nations”.
It is the duty and obligation of every Christian to speak about Christ, to inspire with his life, to preach with his ethos, to express with his grace, to teach with his attitude the mystery of Christ.
The nations must understand that the Christian religion is not the religion of a wise man who had the divine inspiration and discovery of a Confucius or a Buddha, but it is a revelation of this Word and God!
Are the Gentiles, then, co-heirs and co-participants of the promise in Christ through the Gospel, as Paul states in Ephesians 3:6?
If so, let us then sing at Vespers on the Sabbath before Easter, “Anastasio, God judge the earth, that you may be anointed in all the nations”.
Charalambos Metallidis