Two life-changing projects for the people of Tanzania

With the blessing of the Holy Triune God, the construction of a new well (drilling and hand pump installation) in the village of Mkobe, central Tanzania, was completed, funded by our Fraternity. This is the same village where Saint Parthenios church was built.

It is worth noting that since 2017, our donors’ love has provided the Diocese of Arusha with 110,000 euros for this purpose. Some call the charitab;e donations as drops in the ocean of the needs and shortages of our African siblings. Perhaps they are right in theory, but in practice they are drops of pure water, filling glasses, bottles and tanks, quenching people’s thirst, saving from disease and helping to provide decent sanitation. After all, Jesus did not only refer to the quantities of people, as in “all the nations”, but also praised the value of giving to every single person: “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” (Matthew 25:40).

The second project that our Brotherhood contributed to is the completion of the extension of the orthodox clinic in Kidamali with the amount of 24,000 euros. However, the needs of the clinic do not stop with the construction. Currently, the Diocese of Arusha is working on the equipment of the clinic, which will function as a gynaecological department. We have already contributed the amount of 6,000 euros towards this purpose and we hope that with your help we will be able to offer more.

We warmly thank His Grace Bishop Agathonikos of Arusha and his missionary staff for the completion of the above projects and the unstinting cooperation. We wish from the bottom of our hearts that they continue uninterruptedly with their godly and fruitful work for the glory of God and the prevalence of his kingdom on earth.
