Another well in Ghana

Water is undeniably valuable for all people. One can only feel ashamed writing about the need for drinking water in the 21st century, the century of euphemism, overconsumption and rising water levels due to the climate crisis. The words of the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge are as relevant as ever for some people today “water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink”.

Our Brotherhood is pleased to announce to its members and friends the completion of another well, this time at the Holy Mass of Accra and its active pastor Mr. Daniel. Below is the publication of I.M. Accra and photographic material.

Another gift of the Orthodox Church to the people of Ghana. Held today, Tuesday, January 7, 2025, the…

Posted by Holy Metropolis of Accra – Holy Archdiocese of Accra Ghana on Tuesday 7 January 2025
