Anastasios of Albania: a gift from God, a beacon and a signpost

A gift of God to humanity, according to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, a bright and sanctified model for those who are the workers of the Gospel in the ends of Earth, a beacon in the darkness of atheism and a signpost of life in Christ.

When you need to write an article or a letter, presenting the personality and work of a high-flying theologian, an efficient hierarch and a deeply spiritual man, then you really realize that words are poor. That is why we expect his fellow travelers and colleagues to describe his immense scientific, charitable, missionary and ecclesiastical contributions. The members of the Fraternity admire the life of the Archbishop and do not attempt a formal and repetitive recitation of what has already been said and what is to be said in the future. It is apt what a learned Metropolitan of the Church of Greece stated: “his work cannot be interpreted, but simply admired”.

The hierarch of blessed memory, with a profound mind and an oceanic spirit, perceived from the very beginning the Source of all gifts, dedicated himself to Christ, loved Him with all his heart, all his soul, his intellect and his strength. He offered simplicity of mind and received sharpness of spirit, qualities that were transformed into gifts. He sacrificed his life and saved thousands. As he taught, “if we live the love of God, loving concretely, not generally and vaguely, something is already taking place and radiating within us.” His virtuous life verifies what was said by John Chrysostom: “A man flamed with zeal is enough to correct a whole city”. This has been confirmed in ecclesiastical history by numerous examples (Saint Gregory, the enlightener of Armenia, Saint Frumentius of Ethiopia, Saints Cyril and Methodius of the Slavs,, as well as by modern ecclesiastical history with the rebirth of the Church of Albania.

It is worth mentioning that Archbishop Anastasios Giannoulatos completes the trio of pioneer missionaries, along with Archimandrites Fr Nicodemus Sarikas and Fr Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos, who played a leading role in the relaunch of Orthodox witness in the African continent during the 20th century.

Our Fraternity expresses its deep sorrow for the passing of this great man. It is our conviction that he will intercede near the Giving Lord for the success of the missionary work and we hope that young workers of the Gospel will be inspired by his godly example.
