In an atmosphere of unspeakable joy and enthusiasm, both clergy and faithful of the Holy Diocese of Gulu and Eastern Uganda welcomed His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II on October 15.
A Doxology was performed at the Holy Church of St. Basil for the arrival of our high visitor, our Spiritual Father, who blessed us, sanctified us, taught us, gave us courage by raising our morale for the Missionary work.
He came to see for himself the spiritual vineyard and we, with dignified nobility, offered him the fruits of our hearts. These fruits were the most valuable we had to present and give.

Upon hearing the arrival of His Beatitude, everyone came voluntarily to offer their help for the planned preparations. The joy of all was evident in their expressive eyes, which shone at the sight of their spiritual father. The presentation of local customs with dances and songs filled the atmosphere with joy and emotion, and although it was the middle of autumn, we lived moments like those at Easter. The gifts we offered were not of great value but were watered with the honest sweat of everyone who struggles against myriad adversities in their daily lives.
What we presented to His Beatitude were the only clinic of our diocese, our churches, those of them that are now suitable for the performance of the Holy Mysteries and sacred services, the spaces used for their conduction, the few organized parish communities, but mainly the faithful, all those people who make up the body of our local diocese.
We know that we are always accompanied by the blessing of our Patriarch. From his See in Alexandria, we know that his prayerful heart harmonizes with our own efforts, with our own anguish in the field of God. It is the constant driving force that strengthens us. He came to see us up close. He came to see and listen to his children and learn about their problems, their dreams, their expectations. He came to realize that his prayers and tears are not lost.

Dear brothers from Greece who help us in many ways, we would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your support and remind you of something. The missionary work is not for one day and does not end in one day. Our needs are many and continuous.
With the help of pious people through the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity, we have acquired a new well. Thanks be to God. Our work continues, in difficult times for all of us, hoping that other pious people will be found to quench the thirst of more people in other places too.
What we prioritize is human health. The Patriarch visited us and blessed one of our clinics. Those living close by and having access to it will receive medical care. But keep in mind that the distances are so great that we have to set up other medical centers so that our suffering brothers and sisters can have direct access to medical treatment. We live in the years of a cruel and ruthless pandemic. We beg for a vaccine, which does not cost much, but we lack the money and human lives are lost for no reason.
Besides that, our churches have lots of shortcomings. We do lack many things, even the simplest items, which for the rest of the civilized world are taken for granted. Here everything is useful. Apart from the fact that some of our churches are in need of repair, others of equipment, others have been left incomplete … By no means should you think that all this requires exorbitant amounts, but unfortunately, we cannot possibly afford them.

People here love God. They want to know much more. They become members of the Orthodox Church not because they need material help, as they have learned to live and are content with only the basic essentials for survival, but mainly because they thirst for spiritual supply. If we had the ability to offer them a New Testament, a spiritual book, a cassette with hymns or theological speeches, our work would bear much more spiritual fruit.
Great is the Lord and worthy of praise. We go on with what we have, and with the love of the people who help our work. We make an earnest appeal to those who have compassionate feelings, love God and their fellow man. Do not forget us. We are grateful for your support so far and we always remember your names in our prayers because everything bears the indelible stamp with your name in our hearts, but mainly in Heaven.
Wishing in the Lord, † Sylvester of Gulu and Eastern Uganda