Activities of the Board of Directors 2018
Dear friends of the Mission,
This annual account is not an account of our deeds and efforts, but it is your account, material and spiritual. We simply directed all that you gave us according to the needs that arose in each missionary scale. Each one of you, whether more or less, gave what you could, put your backs into it for all these children of the world who are suffering for a plate of food and clean water. The Board of Directors of the Fraternity thanks you for not closing the door on your fellow man, your neighbor, the far and near, but giving yourselves totally and humanely to your suffering fellow man. May the grace and joy of the good God be with you.
Despite the economic decline and the daily bleeding of the financial resources of the Greeks, the Brotherhood managed to raise the sum of 625,460.78 thousand euros.
We collected and provided financial aid to the following missionary teams:
- Arusas: 60.250,00€
- Cameroon: 58.130,00€
- Katanga: 42.850,00€
- India: 36.572,00€
- Brazzaville: 35.650,00€
- Indonesian: 35.500,00€
- Kinshasa: 21.650,00€
- Madagascar: 20.685,00€
- Guinea: 15.932,00€
- Accra: 15.600,00€
- Ruantas: 15.600,00€
- Irinupolis: 14.250,00€
- Malawi: 9.250,00€
- Uganda: 8.050,00€
- Nigerian: 7.146,00€
- Nairobi: 6.000,00€
- Zambia: 5.000,00€
- Kisumu: 4.000,00€
- Sierra Leone: 3.210,00€
- New Zealand: 2.560,50€
- Haiti: 2.300,00€
- Nyeri: 2.000,00€
Total EUR 422 185,50
Humanitarian aid
With the help of God and the young people, who loved the Lord’s commandment “walking to the end”, and who are also tomorrow, the continuation of the Brotherhood, seven containers were collected and shipped, with various types of food and equipment for the missionary centres, which reached 170 tons. All of this love of yours was distributed to the Missionary Centres: Guinea, Kinshasa, Malawi, Sierra Leone.
Functional translations
The Brotherhood continues to sponsor the publication of liturgical books in indigenous languages. Our door is open and interest is high for translation materials and we encourage missionaries to participate in this project. This year, we supported the publication of a new translation of the New Testament in the Malagasy language.
True to our vision
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, friends of the poor of this world,
The Mission is not guided by us, but it walks its history, the path laid out by holy and spiritually-motivated people, such as our founder Fr Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos, on the solid foundations of the One, Holy, Catholic and Missionary Church. We had the joy in 2018 to host in the monthly gatherings of our Fraternity metropolitans and bishops of various missionary scales in the following order: Metropolitan Narcissus of Accra, Fr. Alexander, Bishop of Burundi and Rwanda, Bishop Innocent, Bishop of Irinople, Metropolitan Demetrios, Metropolitan Ignatius of Madagascar, Bishop of Kinshasa, Bishop Nikephoros of Kinshasa.
Brothers in Christ, fellow travellers and collaborators, the Mission belongs to the Church, it is Christ’s offering for the salvation of humanity. His Gospel is addressed to all peoples of every width and length and colour and culture in the Homeland. It is not confined, it is not confined to a small sphere of action but spreads out and lovingly and savingly embraces the whole of the World. The radiance of the Mission was not the duty of only one generation, the apostolic one, but is the duty of Christians of all ages. The purpose of the mission is to preach the Gospel “throughout the whole world to all nations for a witness,” for “I have other sheep also, but there is none of this fold that shall see me loved, and hear my voice, and there shall be one shepherd to another.”
Charalambos Metallidis
Chairman of the Board.