
Announcement of a bidding procedure for the lease of a property in Pylaia
The charitable association under the name “Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Mission” announces a public bidding competition with sealed bids for the lease of a fully owned property and specifically an apartment of 39.18 sq.m. 2nd floor, consisting of two rooms and a bathroom, located in Pylea Thessaloniki, in the building of 230 Grigoriu Lambraki Street,…

2011: the financial assistance to the missionary teams amounted to 1.213.632,22 €
See how your money was spent in 2011
Financial Report 2009
Analysis of the income and expenses of our Fraternity for the year 2009

Financial aid 1996-2010
See the money transferred to missionary countries during the period 1996-2010

Activities of the Board of Directors 2018
Dear friends of the Mission, This annual account is not an account of our deeds and efforts, but it is your account, material and spiritual. We simply directed all that you gave us according to the needs that arose in each missionary scale. Each one of you, whether more or less, gave what you could,…