Announcement of a bidding procedure for the lease of a property in Pylaia
The charitable association under the name “Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Mission” announces a public bidding competition with sealed bids for the lease of a fully owned property and specifically an apartment of 39.18 sq.m. 2nd floor, consisting of two rooms and a bathroom, located in Pylea Thessaloniki, in the building of 230 Grigoriu Lambraki Street, built in 2002. The apartment has a storage room of 4.45 m² in the basement of the building. The apartment is offered for civil or professional lease with the signing of a contract of at least four years from January 1, 2019. The minimum bid price for the monthly rent is set at 200 €, which after two years will be adjusted according to the consumer price index of the last twelve months. Interested parties are requested to submit their offers in person in sealed envelopes at the offices of the Brotherhood (6 Mackenzie King, 3rd floor, Thessaloniki) until Monday 29 October 2018 at 14.00. The opening of the tenders will take place in public at our offices on the above date and time, before the tender committee. The criteria for the selection of the lessee are defined as:
- The price of the offered rent.
- The duration of the contract.
- The guarantees offered.
In case two or more tenders qualify due to identical content, the committee will ask the qualifying tenderers to submit a new written tender by the same time the next day. Late tenders will not be accepted. The property is a public benefit property of Law 4182/2013 bequeathed to the Brotherhood by public will of the late Aphrodite Porligis and the proceeds will be used to provide scholarships to Orthodox students from the missionary countries. Thessaloniki, October 8, 2018 For the Board of Directors The President Charalambos Metallidis