October 25, 2018

Diocese of Mwanza

The Most Sacred and Difficult Task

In Africa, since the problem of people’s daily survival is dramatically and desperately pressing and there is no end to it, the challenge is painful. The need leads to the ministry of the tables (in the broader sense), thus the daily dual struggle between the need and the divine service of preaching divides the missionary apostle and penetrates his heart like a double-edged sword…

Diocese of Nairobi

Those Voices of Theirs…

Our Orthodox Church, once she decided to deal with Mission Overseas, set as her priority, among other objectives, these small, innocent creatures…

Congo (DRC)

The School in the Forest Should not Close Down

The children did not have to walk long distances every day. The smile on the faces of the children, particularly those who could not go to school before, flashed. Cheerful voices were heard now, for now they had a school…

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries