Financial report 2011
The approved financial statement for the year 2011

Activities of the Board of Directors 2018
Dear friends of the Mission, This annual account is not an account of our deeds and efforts, but it is your account, material and spiritual. We simply directed all that you gave us according to the needs that arose in each missionary scale. Each one of you, whether more or less, gave what you could,…
Financial Report 2014
Summary of the accounts for the financial year 2014
Financial Report 2009
Analysis of the income and expenses of our Fraternity for the year 2009

Annual Report of Activities 2021
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic that has been affecting millions of human beings, the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity was forced to suspend its in-person events for a second year in a row. Coronavirus has been spreading death, and we really felt this sorrow, losing close affiliates, such as the late Nikiphoros, Metropolitan of Kinshasa of blessed…
Financial report 2012
By the grace of God, the Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Missionary Service was honored in the year 2012 for the 50th year to serve the human person, supporting the Orthodox missionaries who teach the Word of God to the ends of the world. Due to the increased financial hardship, the contributions we received showed a…