Free pilgrimage excursion of the Brotherhood to Ossa
This Sunday our Brotherhood is organizing a short pilgrimage and missionary excursion to Ossa with free participation for all.
- We will have church in the Holy Church of Agia Kyrana,
- we will venerate the relics of the Holy New Martyr Cyrana of Ossaia, which were discovered a few years ago,
- we will visit the Holy Church of Taxiarches, where the relics of both Saint Kyranna and the other great new martyr Saint Akylina of Zagliverini were discovered.
- we will enjoy the spiritual beauty at the Holy Monastery of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary in Ossa
Departure: 7.00 a.m. from Agia Sofia Square
Return: around 3.00 p.m. at the same place Come and taste the spiritual fruits hidden in the wider area of Thessaloniki. Register today at 2310 279910.