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Educational Adoption: sponsorship of life

Dear friends of the Mission, With this letter we express our sincere thanks for the amount of 4.000,00 €, which you have made available during the past year 2015 for the education of needy pupils and students of the Holy Metropolis of Katanga Congo. The families here, as you know, are almost all overcrowded and several of them have as many as 15 children. So we all understand the amount of the annual budget that each family needs in order to meet the costs required for their education, which increase proportionally from primary school to secondary school, to high school and then to university, where they are exorbitant. However, despite all the objective difficulties they face, they all have an appetite for learning and try by all means to save a little money for this purpose. That is why they are grateful to you for giving them the opportunity to study, to become useful people in their society and not to feel disadvantaged. This institution of ‘educational adoption’ is a wonderful project, which not only helps each student individually, but also contributes in general to raising the educational level of our African brothers and sisters. Therefore, we thank all of you, those who diligently offer your contribution to this cause. May the Lord repay you manifold.

† Catagas Meletius


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