The real Christmas

By the way, who and how many lived through the birth of the God-Man Christ?

Did all those who had flooded the hostels and inns of Bethlehem experience it? Were they the ones who feasted and reveled in warm houses with food and song? Was it Herod, the king of Judea, whose hatred and envy in his heart turned him into one of the worst brutal criminals and even a murderer of children? Or did the rulers, the haves and have-nots of that time live it? No, the real Christmas was experienced – in the first place – by the Virgin Mary and Righteous Joseph, who, in obedience to God’s will, made themselves partners in the work of the Divine Economy. They were felt by the pure shepherds who hastened to worship the newborn Saviour. They were tasted by the magi who waited patiently for it and, when the desired one came, did not hesitate to cross distances, to give gifts and even to risk themselves in order to meet him.

Really, TODAY, who and how many are living the birth of the God-Man Christ?

Christmas days… we will enjoy them in decorated, warm homes, where overconsumption has been thundered. Our thoughts are occupied with the gifts we will buy, when – at last – the fasting will end and we look forward to sitting at the table full of goodies, which certainly cannot all be eaten in one meal, but at the same time cannot satisfy the eye. A Christmas with full casinos and entertainment centres, with preparations for leisure trips… Christmas with plenty of selfishness that rules everything. A Christmas made up of matter and not of Christ. And yet, if all this is alien to the real Christmas, then where are we to look for its true meaning? How are we to be able to enter into what they reveal to us? Is it necessary to have a receptive mind to approach them… Is it necessary to give an open heart to experience them?


Today Christmas is understood by the people who participate in the liturgical life of the church, those who enrich their intellect and sweeten their lips with the exciting Christmas hymns. So:

  • The historicity of the events is presented before them undeniably
    “Bethlehem is prepared, the manger is prepared, the Cave is prepared, the truth has come. The shadow is passed over, and God of men, out of the Virgin, is revealed.”
  • They run with their minds to see the Newborn Divine Infant
    “Neither shall we, believers, see where Christ is born, let us therefore follow where the star is going, after the wise men of the Kings of the East.”
  • They accept the entrance of the Achronos into time
    “What do you admire, Mary? what are you amazed at? That I have begotten a timeless Son, in due time, having not learned the conception of the titus.”
  • They confess perfect God and perfect man after the birth of Jesus
    “The Father is well pleased, the Word is made flesh, and the Virgin has conceived, God incarnate.”
  • They welcome Him as the Messiah
    “Christ is born, you have glorified, Christ from heaven, you have answered, Christ on earth, you have been exalted, All the earth has left the Lord, and in joy, you have denied the people, that he may be glorified.”

In the end, however, the real Christmas is not approached only logically, but is experienced practically by those who will make sure to meet the newborn Christ, those who will forgive their fellow man, no matter what harm he has done to them, those who will have a sincere confession, those who will not wait for Christ to come to their warm home to join them at the festive table, but will run to find Him in the face of the poorest of them, the sickest or saddest of them… Christmas, dear brethren, is not experienced by the one who will be moved and -emotionally overwhelmed- will weep at a celebration or a Christmas show. Christmas will be experienced by the one who wipes away the tear of an unhappy…


Blessed and missionary Christmas,
Christmas with Christ
we wish from the bottom of our hearts to all!

Konstantinos Metallidis
