Fr Chrysostomos Manalu in Greece

We are pleased to inform our dear friends of the Mission that from the 5th of October and for one month the Indonesian missionary of North Sumatra, Fr Chrysostomos Manalu, will be in Greece. Fr. Chrysostomos is the soul of the Orthodox Mission in Indonesia and was one of the first to convert to Orthodoxy in 1983. He studied theology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and completed his postgraduate studies in administration. Today he is the Archepiscopal Commissioner in Indonesia of the Holy Metropolis of Singapore and South Asia and based in Medan, Sumatra, he is engaged in intensive missionary work. He directs 13 Orthodox communities in Sumatra, Java and Bali, an Orthodox theological school, a computer college, 10 schools and a model hospital. Fr Chrysostomos will speak at an event of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Mission on 11 October, 11.30 am at the Brotherhood’s hall (6 Mackenzie King, Agia Sophia Square, Thessaloniki), while he will also give presentations on the Orthodox Mission in Indonesia in other cities in Greece. Press information and event planning: 2310.279910 and via email

