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Support a future missionary

Dimitrios is 27 years old and comes from Uganda. He has been Orthodox since childhood and after much thought he decided to dedicate himself to our Lord Jesus Christ. In order to equip himself more suitably for the high purpose of missionary work, he chose to enroll in the Theological Faculty of the Orthodox University of Congo, a recognized educational institution of the Orthodox Church in Kinshasa. Dozens of children like Dimitri are studying at this school, which prepares the missionary workers of tomorrow in this vast country of Central Africa and in other countries of the Black Continent.


Now, with the Educational Adoption program, you too are given the opportunity to support a future missionary so that he or she can study. By enrolling in the programme, you are taking on the support of a first-year theology student for five years with the amount of 250 € per year. With this assistance you will cover part of his academic costs, while providing him with accommodation, accommodation and health care. In this way, you will lay the foundations so that after a few years the Orthodox Mission will have another worker who will go to the vastness of the African continent and announce the love of Christ to the world. You too can help a future missionary. Fill out the form below and we will contact you directly.
